HomeRunningQuebec sprinter units new Canadian girls's 100m file

Quebec sprinter units new Canadian girls’s 100m file

Quebec’s Audrey Leduc broke a 36-year-old Canadian file within the girls’s 100m on Saturday, clocking 10.96 on the LSU Alumni Gold, held at Louisiana State College. Leduc bested each Angela Bailey‘s file of 10.98 seconds, set in 1987, and her personal PB of 11.08. Louisiana-based sprinter Aleia Hobbs got here in forward of Leduc, in 10.88 seconds, and rounding out the rostrum was California’s Celera Barnes in 11.10.

“The race felt wonderful, it was not good and that’s okay,” 25-year-old Leduc informed Canadian Working post-race. “The season is younger.” Whereas she was blissful along with her time, Leduc felt her physique positioning initially and finish of the race wanted work.

Together with her record-breaking race, Leduc has punched her qualifying ticket to the 2024 Paris Olympics, and upon choice for Workforce Canada, the 25-year-old athlete would turn into solely the second Quebec runner in historical past to qualify for the 100m occasion. Solely Julie Rocheleau completed this feat on the Seoul Olympics in 1988.

Audrey Leduc2 Glasgow
Photograph: James Rhodes (@jrhodesathletics)

Leduc’s 2024 season has already gotten off to a exceptional begin. In March, she gained gold within the 60 metres on the U Sports activities Championships and led the Laval girls’s 4×200m workforce to a silver medal. On March 30, on the Florida Relays in Gainesville, Florida, Leduc ran what was (on the time) an enormous private finest within the 100m, clocking 11.08 seconds, beating her earlier finest by 0.30 seconds.

Leduc additionally competes within the lengthy soar; in February she was chosen as considered one of Beneath Armour U Sports activities Athletes of the Week.

Leduc is able to see what the remainder of the season will convey: “I’m very blissful that I’ve executed the Olympic customary and the Canadian file. I’m excited to run once more.”

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